Thursday 2 August, 2012

Quiet Day

Rev. Dr. Daniel Premkumar

The first term Quiet Day retreat was held on August 1 and 2 in the UTC. Rev. Dr. Daniel Premkumar, Director of the CSI Synod Diaconal Concerns was the retreat leader. The retreat was divided into four sessions and started  yesterday night and ended late in the afternoon today. The retreat leader emphasized on entering into the persona and talked of three things which is love for God, love for neighbour and love for both God and neighbour.

Matthew 22:32-40, Mark 5:1-10 and Mark 4:1-9 were the various passages chosen. As part of the persona of the self, Dr. Premkumar talked of the caste divide in the church in India and the anti-people thrust by the government and insisted that the good news is not seeking personal gains but transformation of the total context in which we live. In a re-reading of the bible passage of the prodigal son he stressed that the forces of darkness have taken over the land of the poor. The story of the prodigal son was used to highlight the plight of those with HIV-AIDS. He therefore called for a re-conferring of the status of sons and daughters to those who have been distanced from the church just like the prodigal son is re-conferred his status by his father.

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