Monday 21 January, 2013

Saplings UTC College Magazine 2013

The United Theological College, Bangalore
The Carey Society 2012-2013
President: Rev Dr. J R John Samuel Raj Faculty Vice President: Rev Dr Allan Samuel Palanna Secretary: S Samuel Livingstone Student Vice President: Lalhmingmawii Chongthu
Sub: Invitation to place greetings / advertisements in the College Magazine

Dear Sir/Madam,
The United Theological College, Bangalore is an ecumenical institution which has been growing in strength over the years since 1910. Today the college enjoys the reputation of being one of the best theological institutions in South Asia. The college is deeply concerned for the poor and the marginalized. It also strives for peace and justice, and fosters ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue.
Saplings (the UTC Magazine) is an opportunity for students to showcase their literary talents as a part of their theological education. This magazine comes out with theological, ecclesiological and socio-cultural issues, and a wide range of ideological articulations. This year we warmly invite you to join in our literary venture by extending your support through the placement of your greetings / advertisements in Saplings. Your kind help in this regard will be greatly appreciated. As the magazine is circulated widely in India and abroad, this year we have also planned to release the magazine online along with The United Theological College blog on the Internet.

Tariff is as follows:
Please enclose your Cheque/DD drawn in favour of The United Theological College, Bangalore, along with the advertisement and send it to the Editor.
Yours truly,

Rajive T.S, Editor, College Magazine 2012-2013
Post Box No. 4613, 63, Miller’s Road,
Benson Town, Bangalore-560 046, India.
Mobile: +91 97418 93425, +91 94833 18454

Back Cover
Rs. 25, 000
Inside Cover (Front)
Rs. 20, 000
Inside Cover (Back)
Rs. 15, 000
Full Page (Inside)
Rs. 10, 000
Half Page (Inside)
Rs. 5, 000
Quarter Page (Inside)
Rs. 2, 000