Tuesday 28 January, 2014

Bible Darshan International Bible Conference

Bible Darshan, the international Bible Conference being conducted by the department of Biblical Studies will be held on January 30, 31 and February 1, 2014 in the UTC. Biblical teachers and scholars from all over the world will be attending the conference. The conference will be emphasising on post Western biblical studies and new trends in this area.

A public function will be held on January 31 in honour of the partipants and will have the Master of the Senate of Serampore College (University), The Rt. Rev. Dr. J.S. Sadananda as the guest of honour and the president of the UTC Society, The Rt. Rev. Dr. G. Devakadasham presiding over the function. The delegates, guests and the UTC faculty and students will be attending the function at 6:30 P.M. The co-ordinator Rev. Dr. Dexter Maben requests everyone to take this as a personal invitation and be part of the conference and programme.


Monday 27 January, 2014

Republic Day worship

The Republic Day worship was conducted yesterday in the Tagore Hall. Fr. Dr. Ambrose Pinto was the chief guest. The worship order and preparations for the worship was done by the Carey Society of the college with help from various students.

Fr. Dr. Ambrose Pinto

Fr. Amrose Pinto has been the head of many Christian institutions in Bangalore including St. Joseph's college. He received the Karnataka Rajyostava award in 2010. His articles include

India: A Symphony of the Absurd
India: Cyber censorship should be opposed
Hate And Anger Won’t Bring Votes; People Always See Through Divisive Politics
India: Intellectuals, Maoists and the State
Justice for Binayak Sen
India: State, Religious Ritualism and
 Politics in Karnataka

In his sermon Fr. Pinto talked about the Indian republic and why reservation for women, rights for the minorities, and freedom for everyone was critical for the country today. He said that India is a country of common traditions and pilgrimages and any move to oppose this will only be done by divisive fundamentalist forces who had no part in the freedom movement of India.

He went on to say that conversion is a political protest and a protest against hierarchy. Fr. Ambrose Pinto asked the congregation to take part in the electoral process of 2014 and said that we have a responsibility of including the excluded. We need to take the leadership in collaborating with others for building the nation and bringing it back to the early stage of the preamble and the core message of what Dr. B.R. Ambedkar wanted for the nation.  

Photo credit- Calvin Sushith Ambler


Friday 10 January, 2014

Dedication of the Mahatma Gandhi Hostel

The Mahatma Gandhi Hostel in the UTC Centenary block was dedicated to the glory of God yesterday by the president of the UTC council and moderator of the church of South India, the Most Rev. Dr. Devakadasham in the presence of the Vice Consul General of the German Consulate in Bangalore, Mr. Hans-Günter Löffler, church leaders of the church of Baden and Hessen and Lassau and EMS and different church leaders in India.

The dedication which started at 7:30 A.M. started with the cutting of the ribbon and the unveiling of the tablet containing information about the dedication service. This was followed by a worship service in which the principal of the UTC, Rev. Dr. John Samuel Raj preached.

The representatives of the German church and the EMS gave their felicitations after the worship service. Guests of the UTC, friends and donors attended the programme which lasted for one and a half hours. The worship was co-ordinated by Dr. Nalini Arles, faculty member and member of the executive of the college.

The cultural programme included a classical dance, local dance, and a song by a kitchen staff member.

Photo credits- Calvin Sushith Ambler and Abu Issac Shalom


Wednesday 8 January, 2014

Dedication of the Mahatma Gandhi Hostel

The dedication of the Mahatma Gandhi Hostel in the Centenary block of the UTC will be held tomorrow at 7:30 A.M. in the new building premises. The UTC council president and the moderator of the Church of South India, the Most Rev. Dr. G. Devakadasham along with the leaders of the various churches in India and outside India and the Deputy Consul General of the German Consulate in Bangalore Mr. Hans-Günter Löffler will offer prayers for the dedication of the building. The dedication of the building will be conducted with a worhsip for the entire community and friends and guests of the UTC.