Monday 12 December, 2011

Christmas carol service held in UTC

The Christmas carol service of the UTC was held on Dec 11th in the Charles Ranson Hall. The service which lasted over two hours included Christmas carol songs in various Indian languages. The college which has students and staff from all parts of India, shared the joy of the birth of Jesus by singing and praying together. The various language fellowships got together to bring about a perfect harmony of voice and mind.

Sunday 11 December, 2011

Christmas dinner and send off for Dr. P.T. George and Dr. Eric Lott

 The UTC Christmas dinner was held on December 10, 2011. The highlight of the dinner was a send off for Rev. Dr. P.T. George and Rev. Dr. Eric Lott. The Christmas dinner was unique because of the inclusion of several games for the children.

Dr. Eric Lott, Mrs. Chris Lott and Dr. P.T. George
The dinner was also an opportunity to bid farewell to the chairperson of the Missiology department, Rev. Dr. P.T. George and the Rev. Dr. Eric Lott who has helped UTC for several decades. He was here again to teach Religion for two terms on a special request from the college. Rev. Dr. Sahaya Das represented the faculty and Mr. Sam Sunny represented the students in bidding farewell to the two distinguished teachers. Rev. Dr. John Samuel Raj, the principal, presided over the send off function.

Mr. Sam Sunny representing the students

Rev. Dr. Sahaya Das representing the faculty

Dr. P.T. George is leaving to join the KUTS as principal. Both the speakers mentioned the joy of having known the teachers and the void everyone would feel at their departure. The principal offered his thanks and gifted the two teachers with special mementos. The Rev. Dr. Santosh S. Kumar was the faculty in charge of the Christmas dinner. 

Cultural programme

Santa enthralling the children

Saturday 10 December, 2011

Carol rounds in UTC

The carol round by students in the UTC was held on Dec 9, 2011. As part of an age old tradition both women and men hostel students joined together and went to all campuses of the UTC. The all night carol round ended with a camp fire. Songs in different languages were sung and the students celebrated the end of their term examinations as well.