Friday 23 September, 2016

Books and exams for entrance for MTh in Missiology

A three-hour written entrance exam and a personal interview to determine the candidate’s level of English language command and her/his analytical competency to engage in research work.   The written exam will be conducted in two areas, namely, Bible and Mission, and Contemporary Trends in the Theology of Mission.
1.  Bible and Mission:
 David Bosch.  Transforming Mission:  Paradigm Shifts in the Theology of Mission. Indian edition, Bangalore: Centre for Contemporary Christianity 2006, p. 104-224 There are now  20 editions of this basic book available since the first edition of Orbis Books 1991. The last one is a special edition of 2011. You can use any edition and you should read the chapters Luke-Acts and Mission in Paul till the end of part 1.
2.  Theology of Mission:
 S.J. Samartha,  One Christ - Many Religions: Towards a Revised Christology. Orbis Books, 1991, Pages 142-154.  OR  Indian Edition,
1992, Chapter 10: “Mission in a Religiously Plural World”,   pp. 162-175. 
Gladson Jathanna: Mode of Mutuality in the Margins of Mission: Hermannsburg  Women's Mission in India. Dharmaram Publications Bangalore 2015 (can be bought from Dharmaram College).
Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes. Declaration of the Commission of World Mission and Evangelism, Busan WCC 2013, 40 pages. Available in the internet under Together_towards_life.pdf

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