Saturday 29 June, 2013

Sports inauguration

Mr. Abu the sports secretary giving the welcome speech

The sports inauguratiuon of the UTC was held on Friday, the 28th of June at 4:00 P.M. The sports secretary for this year Mr. Abu welcomed the gathering, the principal Rev. Dr. John Samuel Raj said the opening prayer and lit the lamp and Rev. Dr. Jones Muthunayagom gave the main speech. In his speech Dr. Muthunayagom told the students to have a spirit of oneness and camaraderie while playing and not see everything from the perspective of winning.

The principal and house captains lighting the lamp

Rev. Dr. Jones Muthunayagom giving the main speech

The inauguration was attended by both students and faculty belonging to the Herrick, Larsen, Thorpe and Devanandan houses. The inauguration was followed by volley ball matches between new and existing BD, MTh and DTh students.

Volley ball match

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