Dr. Meenakshi Bharath lighting the lamp |
The 103 rd College Day programme was held yesterday at 4:00 P.M. in the Charles Ranson Hall. The chief guest
Dr. Meenakshi Bharath, a doctor and environmentalist inaugurated the function and gave the main message. She said that the students graduating would be flying out of their nests and everyone has the repsonsibility to take care of the environment.
Dr. Meenakshi said that we could plant a sapling and take care of it for two years and in return it would take care of us for several years together. She requested the students to value and uphold the morals they have imbibed from this institution and help one's locality and country while returning.
The principal Rev. Dr. John Samuel Raj presented the principal's report and gave thanks for the lives of those who passed by this academic year. He also remembered those who are closely associated with the college and sought the help of the faculty, students and staff for taking the college forward. He thanked the faculty, staff and students for their contributions to the college and was grateful for the work rendered by various departements and their chair persons. He sought the help of everyone for the Mahatma Gandhi hostel building project.
Release of the College Day newsletter |
Dr. Rini Ralte, the faculty advisor for the college day welcomed the chief guest and deacon Aji Samuel, the student co-ordinator thanked the gathering.
Dr. Rini Ralte, faculty advisor of the College Day |
Deacon Aji Samuel, student co-ordinator of the College Day |
The prizes for the students were given away during the College Day programme and different BD and MTh students collected the prizes.
Rev. Dr. Lalmuankima, Registrar |
Mr. Sam Sunny Anand of BD IV who won several prizes |
MC's Imotila Longkumer and Rency Thomas George |