Monday 11 June, 2012

College opening and covenant service

Welcoming the students
The re-opening of the United Theological College, Bangalore was held with the traditional principal’s tea, introduction of students and staff, and the covenant service on Sunday evening. The opening tea which brought all members of the community together was held at 4:30 P.M. while the service was held at 6:30 P.M. in the Tagore Hall. The old students are back after a two month vacation and the new students joining for the BD, MTh and DTh programmes have just arrived. The principal Rev. Dr. John Samuel Raj along with Rev. Dr. Sahayadas and Rev. Dr. Allan Samuel Palanna led the covenant service. 

Covenant service

Holy Communion


The principal also introduced the new faculty member for the  department of Mission and Ecumenics, Sr. Dr. Rani Joseph Mary Shruti. She is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of Notre Dame, Coesfeld, Germany. This is the first time that a Roman Catholic nun has been appointed as a full time faculty member of the UTC. Sr. Dr. Rani has taught in two theological seminaries in India and has worked among the tribals in West Bengal and other parts of North India.  

The principal welcoming Sr. Dr. Rani Joseph Mary Shruti

1 comment:

Deepak said...

Done with the three years of peaceful journey...entered into the last lab of our journey...good to see ya frenz...esp Dr. Shruti...