Tuesday, 10 September 2013

UTC Annual Refresher Course 2013

                                        The United Theological College

63, Millers Road, Benson Town,  Bangalore – 560 046.



       All UTC Alumni                                                                 2nd  September  2013


Dear Friends,


          Greetings from the United Theological College (UTC), Bangalore.


I am happy to announce that the UTC Annual Refresher Course for the year 2013 is scheduled to take place from 22nd October to 24th October 2013.  The theme for this year is: “The Church and Theological Education : Challenges and Prospects.”     


The UTC Alumni will also have their Annual General Body meeting on the 24th of October at 2:00 p.m. (for members only).   Those of you who have not yet become active members of the UTC Alumni Association are encouraged to do so by paying the membership fee as follows:


Life Membership    Rs.1,000/-  ;    Annual Membership    Rs.150/-


Please get in touch with Rev. J. Jeyakumar, the Interim PRO of UTC, to let us know about your willingness to participate in this programme.  Accommodation and food will be arranged from 22nd October morning until 24th October afternoon (4.00 p.m.) only.  However, if anyone is arriving on 21stOctober (evening), please inform Rev. J. Jeyakumar for accommodation.  Accommodation is only for 100 people.  Kindly book in advance.


Telephone Numbers:   0091-80-23332844, 23333438, 23330502.

E-mail IDs:  unitedtcb@gmail.com / proutc@gmail.com 


We will appreciate if you attend all the sessions since the two evenings from 5:00 p.m. are kept free.  Hoping to see you at the UTC Annual Refresher Course, 2013!


          With best wishes,

                                                                             Yours sincerely,



                                                                                               Dr. Nalini Arles

                                                                                   Convener, Refresher Course.


PS:  Food and Accommodation will be made available on Actual Charges

            for those who wish to bring their families along.










Please send the duly filled Registration Form back by 10th October 2013

To:  Dr. Nalini Arles, Convener, Refresher Course


To Rev. J. Jeyakumar, PRO (Interim)

United Theological College

63 Miller’s Road

Benson Town

Bangalore 560 046.


E-mail IDs:  unitedtcb@gmail.com / proutc@gmail.com



Alumni Association of the United Theological College, Bangalore

Notice of Meeting



     All the Former Students of the United Theological College, Bangalore.


Dear Friends,


Greetings to you all!

We are delighted to inform you that the General Body Meeting of the Alumni Association of the UTC will be held on 23rd October 2013, at 5:00 pm, at the United Theological College, Bangalore.  All the members of the Association are requested to be present:

We are enclosing herewith the following for your information.


1.      Agenda for the Meeting

2.      Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 25th October 2012

3.      Refresher Course Notice from the Convener

4.      Registration Form for the Refresher Course 2013


            With regards

            Yours sincerely,



        Rev. B. Devaputhra              Rev. Stephen Selvinraj                 

           Joint Secretary                        President                        Joint Secretary





  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Roll Call
  3. Appointment of Recording Secretaries
  4. Obituary
  5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  6. Matters Arising
  7. Principal’s Report
  8. Report on Marriages, Ordination and Consecration of  Former Students of UTC.
  9. Statement of Accounts
  10. Election of Office Bearers
  11. Remarks by the President
  12. Any Other Matter
  13. Vote of Thanks
  14. Prayer and Benediction









The United Theological College, Bangalore  560 046.

Refresher Course / Alumni Meeting – 2013



Name (in capitals):  …………………………………………………………….……………………….

Address:  ……………………………………………………………………….……………………………




E-mail ID:…………………………………                 Telephone/Mobile……………………….

Accommodation at UTC     :   Yes/No

UTC Alumni                      :                 Year of Study ……………………………………

Date of Arrival: . .…………………             Date of Departure …..…………………………..                                                        




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