Dr. David Joy
The professorial lecture of Rev. Dr. David Joy, Department of New Testament, UTC, was held on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 5:00 P.M. in the Tagore hall of the United Theological College, Bangalore. Dr. Evangeline Anderson Rajkumar, the dean of Doctoral Studies, UTC, chaired the session and Dr. Jesuratnam, dean of Masters Studies, UTC, introduced Dr. David Joy and read out his publications and accomplishments over a period of twenty years. Dr. Jones Muthunayagom said the opening prayer and Dr. Nalini Arles welcomed Dr. Joy with flowers.
Dr. Evangeline Anderson RajkumarDr. Jesuratnam
Dr. Jones Muthunayagom
Dr. David Joy presented a paper on “Remapping the Milieu of the New Testament through Intertextual Reading.” The paper evoked interest because it took listeners into the world of intertextual reading. Dr. Joy is in the process of widening the scope of his thoughts on intertextual reading for further publication.
Dr. David Joy and Dr. Nalini ArlesBoth students and faculty from the UTC along with guests were present for the lecture. Dr. David Joy’s wife Mrs. Sherin Joy, a teacher herself and their sons, Ashwin and Anbin were also present. Dr. David Joy thanked his family, mentors, colleagues, friends, church members and everyone he has been associated with during his career thus far. Dr. Muthuraj closed the session with prayer.
Dr. Muthuraj