Monday, 30 November 2015

The Nation of Refugees. A play

The UTC, Bangalore will be performing a play "The Nation of Refugees" based on the Christmas theme for the year "Christmas: A home away from home" on Thursday, Dec 3, 2015 at the Charles Ranson hall in the UTC. The play (Teaser available here) talks of the plight of people who have to leave their own country and are seen as foreigners and strangers in their own land.

The play explores the frailty of human beings and is an exploration of power and politics and how it affects ordinary people. During advent and leading into Christmas, this play instills hope in all and asks us to join in the struggle for hope, freedom and dignity for all.

The play is directed by Jain Syriac Babu and produced by the Communication department and worship committee of the UTC with active support from the entire college and creative support from SCMI. The cast includes students of the college.

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