Monday 16 November, 2015

Exposure to New Life Fellowship

Encountering and engaging whole heartedly in worshiping God and the readiness to have candidness to inter-denominational diversity was visible in the BD first year students of United Theological College, Bengaluru during their visit to New Life Fellowship Church on November 15, 2015 under the tutelage of Sr. Dr. Rani Joseph Mary Shruti, SND. Pastor Sam Skaria led the praise and worship followed by the Holy Communion. After the welcome note, the word of God was shared by Pastor Manohar based on Romans 5:1-11 reminding the congregation about the blessings that one acquire by justification. The blessings are Peace with God, Access to the father God and Hope in God. The worship service was similar to that of First Assembly of God Church, but kept its individuality. Also the students were able to discover the similarities and differences in the worship service from the view point of one’s own church tradition and also to broader one’s perspective.
Robin Raju
(BD I).

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