Wednesday 6 March, 2013

Sr. Dr. Rani Joseph Mary Shruti

Dr. Shruti Joseph, belongs to the congregation of the sisters of Notre Dame, Cosefeld, Germany. She was born and brought up in Delhi. Her father is from Mysore and her mother from Chennai.  She did all her Missiological studies in Pontifical Urban University, Rome. She has four brothers and a sister. She is the fifth among the children. Both her father John Joseph and her mother Mary Joseph and one of her brother's Thomas Joseph have passed away. All  her other brothers and sister are married. Her parents dedicated her to the Lord, and this is her Silver Jubilee year as a Religious Sister for which she remains grateful to God and all those who touched her life in the past twenty five years. Sister Shruti joined UTC in the department of Mission and Ecumenics in the year 2012.

1. She Attended an International Conference conducted in Dharmaram on the theme "Revisiting Vatican II, 50 years of Renewal" (31st Jan- 3rd Feb 2013)
2. She is on the way to publish her complete thesis in a book form with the theme "The Role of Consecrated Women in the Missionary Activity of the Church. A Missiological Study in the Context of Bihar, North India".
3. One of her articles named “Discipleship in the Gītā and the New Testament” will be published in the Journal of Christian Ministry (Masihi Sevak).
4. She is going to speak to the German Professors coming from Germany about her ministerial experience in various areas for example work among the tribal group in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, teaching experience in various Catholic Theological Seminaries, as a formator in her congregation and work among the Dalits of Bihar.
5. She will be part of the group of professors from UTC and the rector of St. Peter's who will be giving a helping hand conducting the retreat for our MTh II year students in St. Peter’s Pontifical College, Bangalore.
Since she is new to the United Theological College, Bangalore as a lecturer and comes from a Roman Catholic background as a Religious Sister she wanted to commit herself fully to learn things in a proper way, with a clear understanding of all the activities of the college. Because of that she did not take up any other activities outside the college. Her sincere gratitude goes to the principal, faculty colleagues and the students for their constant support for helping her in all the areas of her life in UTC.

Phone: 9740390032, E mail:

Submitted by Mr. Shino Yesudhas

Shino Yesudhas, BD III

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