Thursday, 7 March 2013

Rev. Dr. Joseph Prabhakar Dayam

Rev. Dr. Joseph Prabhakar Dayam is an ordained Minister of AELC (Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church). He hails from Rajahmundry town of East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. He did his graduation in Rajahmundry town and later came for theological Studies at UTC, Bangalore. He did his doctoral studies in Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA.  He is married to Rev. Selina who is also an ordained pastor of AELC. He has two children Sophia and Ashish Nirmal. He is personally committed to the cause of equality and liberty of marginalized classes.

Engagements for Past One year
March 2012 Vice President address in Carey Society, United Theological College, Bangalore.

Edited one book: Margins in Conversation: Methodological discourse in Theological discipline

Wrote one article in the book published by BTESSC titled “Re-membering the memory towards a Theology of Justice, Peace and reconciliation,” Article titled “From the Perspective datil Theology of Cross”.

Book co-written with Dr. Peniel Rufus Jesudason and Deenabandhu Manchala titled “Mission at Margins”.

Paper Presentation in Faculty Research Seminar article: “Context(s) in Theology and Theology in Context”.

Presented a Paper at UTC Council, titled “God of Life: Lead us to Justice, Peace and compassion: Theological meditations in Fragments”.

Presented a Paper at World Council of Churches International Workshop on “Redemptive Masculinities” at UTC.

Took a session in BTESSC workshop organized for national level theological students.

Took a session last year in the NCCI-Preassembly of youth at SCM House, Bangalore titled “Justice, Peace and Ecology”.

Participated in SCMI Centenary celebrations at SCM House Bangalore.

Participated as observer in National Council of Churches in India held at St. Johns hospital, Bangalore.

He also works as resource person at Vichara, Sophia Centre, Old Seminary, Kottayam

Courses he teaches at UTC

At Graduate level
Christian Doctrines
Dalit Theology

At Post Graduate level
Modern trends in Theological Methodology
Jurgen Moltmann

His research interests
Liberation Christologies
Theologies of Cross
Religion of marginalized
Dalit Theology
Human Sexuality

(Rev. Dr. Joseph Prabhakar Dayam has joined the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Chennai from June 1, 2013.) 

E mail:

 Prepared by Mr. Prashanth Babu, BD III

1 comment:

  1. Good job Prashanth. Interesting. An addition of some of the testimonies of 'transformed minds' because of Dr.Prabhakar's class lectures, tea time discussions and just the way he relates with students would make your piece more interesting.


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