Monday 6 July, 2015

Visit to First Assemly Of God Church

The first year BD students of United Theological College, Bangalore had a spiritual encounter and openness to the inter denominational diversities as they paid their visit to First Assembly of God Church, Bangalore on 5th July 2015 under the aegis of Sr. Dr. Mary Shruti Joseph, SND. The group had reached the church well in advance and was welcomed as well as challenged by the intercessory prayer just before the service. Most of the students of the group were brought up in traditional churches and the visit was a perfect first door opened to the inter denominational diversities of Christian Faith and Worship. The worship was started with an opening prayer followed by a different presentation of praise and worship, welcome note and prayer of confession which was then followed by the breaking of the bread and came to a conclusion with the word of God. The students of the group were fascinated, moved and provoked by all the proceedings of the church. In a nutshell the visit has instilled and stirred up the importance of their (students) own traditions with accordance with an outlook to a wider community of faith.

Bijin John Varghese (BD I)

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