Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sports Day 2013

The Sports Day of the UTC was held yesterday at the St. John's school ground. It was inaugurated by Mr. Philip Louis, the Vice President of the YMCA, Bangalore. Rev. Dr. Jones Muthunayagom, Mr. George Varghese, YMCA director and faculty advisor for sports and games in UTC, Rev. Dr. Allan Pallana, and Mr. Sibin Paul, the student sports co-ordinator were present.

Mr. George Varghese the YMCA director, the chief guest Mr. Louis and other dignitaries   

Mr. Sibin Paul, the sports and games co-ordinator relieved and flashing the victory sign

The four teams namely Larsen, Thorp, Devanandan and Herrick participated with sports spirit and camaraderie. The day started with a march past, followed by the inauguration and the events. The chief guest Mr. Louis spoke of the importance of sports in the lives of people while Mr. George Varghese pleaded that UTC students should take more interest in sports and take this to the churches they are going to.

Thorp came first

The sports and games for this year was won by Thorp house with 301 points, followed by Larsen with 248 points. Devanandan house got 193 and Herrick 176. The individual women's champion was Temsutola and the men's champion Jian. Several students, family members and faculty members participated.

The stalls provided refreshments and much needed shade
The YMCA trainees in red who helped with the conduct of the competitions
It ended with food for all

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